The first source, “The Big Business of China’s Surveillance Tech”, got me thinking a lot about how different life would be if we had the same type of surveillance technology in our country. I feel like it would make everyone more on edge and paranoid in general. However, it might also make people more careful about what they do and take more responsibility for their actions. I think this type of technology is almost an invasion of people’s privacy and infringes on people’s rights. It makes me think about how some people may put tape over the camera on a laptop so no one can hack into the camera and spy on them. The second source, which explained the importance of some technology, showed the other side. They acknowledged at the beginning how many people discuss the negative aspects of technology. However, they took a different approach by explaining particular pieces of technology that provide positive results. One of these includes a dog collar that is able to detect different reactions of a dog in order to analyze whether it would be a good service dog or not. Jennifer Goldbeck’s TED Talk made me think most about our “diary entry” posts. She explained how she can tell a lot about a person based on what they like on social media and who/what they follow. This made me think back to my diary post to where I discuss the social media platforms I use on my phone. I began to think about not only the role these have in my life but how they may be able to explain aspects of my life. I am very curious as to what someone could be able to tell about me based on what I like and who I follow.
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