Working Thesis: Growing technology and data collection are invading people’s privacy when they may not know it. However, some technology is being used for the bettering of people’s lives.

I decided to make my podcast an interview-style, and I found it challenging to try to edit my essay so that the content would fit this style. I was trying to keep as much of the information as possible, however, this ended up making my podcast a lot longer than it was supposed to be. After realizing this, I took a lot of time to edit out details that weren’t crucial and removing entire portions of content that were in my essay. In the end, this made me feel as though my project was almost incomplete. I believe I was able to keep enough information so that it still made sense and met the requirements, however, I felt my essay was able to better display all my thoughts on this subject. The podcast overall took me a few hours between revising the content, recording, and editing. I think next time I use this software, however, I will be more comfortable with it so the process hopefully won’t take me as long.
When revising my essay, I worked on global revision more than I ever have before. I switched paragraphs around multiple times until I reached what I believed was the most effective order. I even rearranged information within paragraphs if I thought it would make my point clearer. This step of revision was new to me, but I think it made a big difference. I also made a lot of changes based on the advice I received in my conference with Professor Gennaco. I added more information to better explain my thoughts and did more rearranging. Finally, I ended doing my local revisions. While this once would have been one of my first steps when revising, I saved this until the end. I am satisfied with my final draft because I spent a lot of time on it. However, I feel like I spent so much time on my global revisions that I didn’t spend as much time as I would have on sentence-level errors. Because of this, I feel that smaller errors could have brought down the quality of my essay.
When comparing my revision to Bloom’s Taxonomy, I believe I did a lot of evaluating and believe I was able to reach creating. After I wrote my rough draft, I thought it was good. However, after reading it again and receiving feedback from others, I was able to realize that it was not in the order that was most efficient and made sense. After analyzing my essay further, I was able to move the individual pieces around which made my essay a lot stronger because it flowed more smoothly, so this is where I brought in creating. This mostly was as a result of the peer reviews and feedback from my conference. Throughout my essay, I also used the other steps of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Starting with remembering and understanding, I was able to think about and understand what I read from Bain, Dweck, and Sherry and figure out how I was going to incorporate their ideas. I was then able apply the information from those pieces of reading and connect it with my own experiences in my learning. Finally, I analyzed it as the first step in revising my rough draft. I read through it and analyzed if the experiences I chose to put in my essay were the best examples I could use.
When I made the podcast, it was kind of difficult at first because I tried to make it as similar to my essay as possible. However, I realized that if I tried to get every detail from my essay and incorporate it into my podcast it would not only be in too much of an essay form, but it also ended up being significantly too long. Because of this, it took me a long time to decide what pieces to leave in and what to take out. I also wanted to do it as an interview-style, so trying to make that work took a bit of thought and effort. I think the most challenging part of the process was putting in the music in the background and working with the volume levels of the audio of the interview as well as the music with it.
When I looked at the comparison of my two drafts of the essay, I realized that almost, if not all, my revisions were surface-level. When I edited my essay to get to the final draft, I looked mostly to things like rewording to make everything sound clearer and more concise. For example, I tried to take out unnecessary words such as “really” and change phrases such as “are able to” to “can” to make my paper concise. I focused most on these types of edits because these are what most of my peer edits were about. Looking back, I think I did most of my global revisions during the first stages of writing my essay. However, there are ways I could have edited the structure of my essay for the final draft. Right now, it has a very standard format and I could have changed that up a bit.
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